Sunday, March 17, 2013


Poor Jacob.

Ha ha ha.

I mean...poor Jacob.

Apparently, people at his new work give each other nicknames. Jacob came home last night and said "I've found out I have a nickname at work.  Sassy Spanish girl (that's what he calls this one girl) called me over and told me."

So I asked what it was.

Harry Potter.

Ha ha ha ha. OK, I laugh because this is his life.  Everywhere, he's told he looks like Harry Potter.  We've gotten to the front of the line of a  new Universal Ride because of his looks.  For a while though, like 2-3 years, he grew his hair out and the resemblance faded.

Now, he's cut his hair pretty short and I love it.  He looks like Harry again, all except for the color of the eyes.  Side note: He refuses  to wear the Gryffindor robe I got for Christmas one year for any Halloween, on principle.  I say do it and have loads of fun!

I sent a text message to 4 family members, my hubby included.  I said "Jake got a new nickname at work. What is it?"

Three of the four guessed Harry Potter on the first guess.  The 4th person guessed Harry on the second try.

Jacob with my older sister Brenda, at Stetson.

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