Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Marge Simpson Dyed Her Hair!

Last Tuesday night, I invited a letterboxing friend, Mo (aka The Gamecock) over for dinner. I also had a coworker forward me an e-mail about making single-serving mug cakes. So, while Mo was over, we decided to attempt this recipe after dinner.

We were very messy.

Into the microwave it went.

This came out, and we CRACKED UP! Mo called it "Marge Simpson's hair." I won't repeat what the kids called it.

Of course, Jacob tries to figure out which one is tallest. It was pretty much a tie.

We were able to eat about 2/3 of our cakes. The top portion was dry, but the middle and bottoms were moist, especially with the chocolate chips we added to the recipe.


Lisa said...

What's with the drug-resisting ruler? (And why do I find this object so odd?)

Kaaren said...

What's odd, the ruler? lol

It's from the DARE program here in the schools; Drug Awareness Resistance Education. Given to the kids in elementary schools.


BIG SIS said...


Sue KuKu said...

When I have made it before, I made up a little chocolate frosting (powdered sugar, unsweetened cocoa, a little butter, a little milk).

I've thrown some of it on top of the cake in the mug. It melts in and makes it moister and richer . . . and even harder to finish!
