About three weeks ago, I received this letter from the State of Florida.
And I said WHAT. EVER. My ever-skeptical and pessimistic side yelled "SCAM."
I almost threw it away. I'm glad I did not. My curious side decided NOT to go to the website listed. I mean www.FLTreasureHunt.org? Are you kidding me? I went instead straight to the Florida Department of Financial Service's Site, and there on the front page was a section titled "Unclaimed Property"Division, which led to....www.FLTreasureHunt.org.
Ok then. I entered the account number on the letter and there it was. Florida Hospital got overpaid by me and my insurance back in 2004; my daughter's birth year! It then asked me VERY DETAILED QUESTIONS. They have to know you are YOU. They ask for private information and that scared me a bit, but again, how can I prove I am me? After entering some details, it gave me three questions with multiple choice answers. One of the answers is correct the others are not. Like, who did I buy house # 1 from 17 years ago! Holy COW! Thank goodness I. keep. everything. I found the sales documents and there was there seller's name on the screen.
There was an over-payment and the hospital only had my old address and old phone number on file from 12 years ago, so they turned it over to the State of Florida for them to find me.
Anyway, after answering these detailed questions, they verified who I was, told me how much it was, and said I would be getting a check in 90 days.
Fifteen days later, 15, I have a check in my hands for overpaying on a medical bill!
The moral of the story is, if you get this letter, it is not a scam. If you want to search to see if maybe there's an off chance that some hospital or bank that you thought you closed accounts with still has your money, you can do a search and see.
EDITED: Debbie reminded me of something in the comments!!
A few days after claiming it for myself, I received a letter from some company/law firm saying they would help me claim this money! The money I claimed for FREE they would do it for me for just 11%. HA HA HA! Do not fall for this! You do it on your own and it does not cost you a dime!!